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coder already has a fully working Modern Warfare 3 Hack for everyone
and we released it 4 hours before the game even went on sale. We are
the first website to have a fully working COD Modern Warfare 3 Hack
BEFORE the USA release. This aimbot hack will allow you to rank up
super fast and lead the leader boards. Just like our MW2 Hack R4z8r
has coded the first Modern Warfare 3 Hacks the FIRST DAY, no waiting a
week or two for other hack sites. Our coder R4z8r already has code in
place and our hacks is ready to go.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Hacks
* Aimbot :
o No Spread
o Name Changer
o Visibility Checks
o Aim Styles (Off, When firing, Full auto)
o Targeting Styles (Closest Target, Closest to crosshair, Highest Threat, Lowest Health, etc.)
o SlowAim (Off, On) (+ Configurable slow aim speed)
o AimAngle (Off, On) (+ Configurable autoaim rotation angle)
o AutoFire (Off, On)
o FriendlyFire (Off, On)
* Memory Hack :
o Name Spoofing!
o Nametags
o Minimap
o Show mines and claymores
o Armor Bars
o Commander Hack
o No TV static
o All Weapon Unlocks
* Radar :
o 3D Radar (Off, On) (+ Configurable for Players, Vehicles, Grenades, Flags, etc.)
o 2DRadar (Off, On) (+ Configurable radar scale)
o Cross (Off, Cross, Dot, Box, Bounding Box)
o Info Styles (Distance, Playername, Weaponname, Health, Armour)
o Healthbars (Off, On)
* TriggerBot :
o TriggerBot (Off, On)
o TriggerStyle (Instanthit, BulletSpeed and Bulletdrop)
* Corrections :
o Fps Correction (Off, On)
o Ping Correction (Off, On)
o Bulletspeed Correction (Off, On)
o Bulletdrop Correction (Off, On)
* Protection :
o Threat Warning (Off, On)
* KeyBinder :
o KeyBinds (OnPress, OnRelease)
o HotKey Support
* Profile System :
o Profiles can be saved/loaded
* Graphical User Interface (GUI) :
o Configuration Window with tab menus
* Help :
o Help files (FAQs, Explanations, Examples)
* PB secure
* PB clean sshots